Why I Started This Blog

I expect (and hope) that this blog will go a long way, but who knows what will actually happen in the future. Nevertheless, we'll have this article as a reminder of why I started this project in the first place.

Here are the reasons why I decided to create the MakeMoney.dev project/blog.

Monetize coding

As the domain name says, this blog will be about "How to make money as a developer". I am a developer and you are either a developer too or you are dabbling with the idea of becoming one (otherwise I don't know why would you be reading this 😬) and you want to learn how you can monetize your coding skills too.

I want this to become the place where you can find all the information you need in order to achieve your financial goals while continuing to enjoy the creative process coding gives us.

There is much more to making money from coding than just the actual coding part and we're going to explore all the other required skills.

Share my journey

I intend to use this blog to keep track of everything I'm going to do as a developer, teacher, and content creator while also keeping track of all the things which I'm going to learn along the way. Think of it like my little work journal.

If you don't know me yet, just keep in mind that I love learning, experimenting, and sharing these things with my audience which fits perfectly with the mission of this project.

Let's create a nice formula out of this:

Learn + experiment + share = 💜

Doesn't this look nice? I love it!

Teach others

The reason why I added the sharing part in the equation above is that I believe that it can help both parties:

  • it helps me grow as I need to research more on certain topics in order to be able to explain them better AND
  • it helps you as well because it will allow you to see the entire behind the scenes process which will simplify your own journey (or at least that's what I want to do 😆)

Leave a legacy

Over the years I want to look back on the things which I did and I want to be happy and fulfilled. I want to help and inspire as many developers as I can to be able to live life on their own terms by doing what they want, whenever they want. Seems clicheic but that's what I really want to do. Hope I can achieve that! 🤞

I know that financial independence is not something you can achieve easily but I've seen people get there, so it's definitely possible and I want to help you get there as well!


I'm quite excited about this new journey and hope that you are too! 🤩

In case you have any questions or ideas on what I should cover next, feel free to reach out to me!

Meanwhile, don't forget to Be happy and smile! 😄

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