Income Report - September 2021

This is the second Income Report I write since I started the $1M in 1000 Days challenge. You can check last month's Income Report here in case you missed it.

Go check out the Projects page.

As mentioned, we took a one-week vacation at the beginning of the month and then I continued my usual schedule with daily streams, BUT, I had a major change:

I started streaming on Twitch! 😁

I won't get into a lot of details in this article, but the reason why I moved is mostly because people are more likely to watch streams on Twitch than they are on YouTube.

Will continue to stream on Twitch to see how it goes in October as well, but so far I like it.

The drawback though is that I stopped pushing that much content on my YouTube channel and the revenue dropped. Hopefully it can be balanced out by the Twitch revenue over time.

This month I also decided to focus on the $1M challenge only and "drop" mentioning the #0to100k challenge as it was part of the bigger challenge anyway but it just confused people. So from now on, one focus only: $1,000,000 in 1000 days!

Alright, with that out of the way, let's get into this month's Income Report. 😊

Income Report

TL;DR: The total revenue this month from 6 different sources was: $7,776.97

Breakdown by Project

Udemy Course - 50 Projects in 50 Days

The revenue from the course dropped as we haven't promoted it in any way because we were focused on other projects.

Eventually it would be nice to set up some sort of funnel which will bring in new sales (on automation mode 🤖), but as of now we don't have such a thing so it's all just passive income, which is not bad, but it could be better with some extra work.

Revenue: $3,077.80

eBook - "Ten++ Ways to Make Money as a Developer"

A slight drop in revenue for the eBook as well, and the reason is the same. Not much promotion from my side.

The only way people find and purchase the eBook is from content I created in the past or on my Twitter profile or website.

Idealy I'd like this to get over $1k per month, but right now I don't have the time and energy to figure out how to get it there. Maybe paid ads? 🤔

Revenue: $770

My YouTube channel

As mentioned above, I moved my streams from YouTube to Twitch and as expected the ads revenue went down quite a bit by -25%. This is alright for now as I'm hoping that the Twitch revenue will be able to catch up and maybe even surpass it but it might just need some more time (couple months or so).

Revenue from ads: $845.21

When it comes to sponsors, this month I had less sponsors because I was a bit too busy to either figure out a proper deal or to go out and look for more sponsors.

Eventually I'd like to find some sponsors which are willing to take on a monthly retainer type of deal. This way I can position my brand and streams around it better and it would also be easier to fit the content around it.

Revenue from sponsors: $3,000

My Twitch channel

So far streaming on Twitch seems more fun as overall they have a better experience for both streamers and viewers.

There are a lot of things which you can do fairly easily involving the chat that ads a whole new level of entertainment to the streams which eventually leads to more revenue from donations, cheers and subs.

And overall people on Twitch are more likely to support the streamer and they can easily do that (by giving bits and subscribing or gifting a subscription). There are also Prime Subs which people can use for free for their favorite streamer which will get rewarded.

When it comes to YouTube active viewers VS Twitch active viewers... Twitch won by far! Made a Tweet about it:

Revenue wise, it was still my first month on Twitch so as expected it's not that high, but I hope it will only go upwards from here. We'll have to wait and see though. 🤞

Revenue: $84.52 ($8.28 from ads and the rest from subs/gifts/cheers)

Weekly Deals

I've let Weekly Deals slide this month and that's mostly because I was too lazy to reach out to creators to add their products on the site.

In the meantime though I announced that I'm willing to sell the project and a couple of people asked more informations about it, but only one looked really interested in buying it.

We haven't yet reached an agreement, but hopefully we will. Either way, I should work a bit more this month on this project to keep it alive.

Revenue: $0

$0 to $1M Challenge Notes

No promotion at all, just a couple of sales this month.

Revenue: $60

Plans for October

  • Focus on writing more - I believe writing is a great skill and this month I want to continue my daily writing habit and even get better at it. The readers of this blog and my newsletter need me to become a better writing in order to produce better content, so I'm doing this for you, heh! 😁
  • Continue streaming - Will continue my daily (Monday to Friday) streams. Hopefully I can finish up the projects I've been working on (or at least launch iWriDay) and turn them into income stream machines! 💰
  • YouTube videos - I also plan to release at least 2-4 videos on my YouTube channel as I don't want to let it die (again). Might even consider hiring a video editor to help me speed up the process.
  • Improve - To be honest, I don't like how this blog looks right now. Maybe because I got used to it, or maybe because indeed it doesn't look good. So I want to improve this blog more, especially on the visual side, by hiring (maybe) a designer to help me. I want this place to be THE PLACE where devs can learn how to monetize their skills (step 2), while first reading and learning from my own journey (step 1).

That's all folks. I wish you all have a great month ahead. Let's make October the best month of the year! 🔥

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